8 : Corner Module

To be a courtyard, the Garrison setup’s walls need some corner modules. These corners must, of course, be inward facing – facing in towards the courtyard.

The corner module and seen down a modular open arcade

This corner module follows the same design as the basic building-frontage module so can, therefore, join two of the courtyard’s modular walls in a corner.

Corner with two modular walls

For the corner module, I designed another door add-on. It fits the open arcade sides of the basic module as well. The door is based on the door at the far end of the Doksany Convent cloister. I fitted a copy of the door in each archway. This turns the ground floor into a room – and a usable one for game scenarios. For this setup, I prefer the corner being closed off and not being an open arcade.

A rather out of focus photo of the door at the end of the convent cloister during set build (copyright BBC)

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