3 : Enter the Musketeers
I got hold of some miniatures to go with my models.

I purchased a selection of figures from North Star’s 1672 range – a range begun by sculptor Mark Copplestone and originally called Glory of the Sun. All the packs I bought have been added since the Glory of the Sun days.
North Star’s King’s Musketeers have been sculpted for the reign of Louis XIV. However, they will strut their stuff for me as the former King’s royal guard. They sport the tabard, a symbol of their belonging to the King.

I also got a suitable crowd of 1600s’ types together from Perry Miniatures and Warlord Games. It’s a good start to a collection I hope to add to with more flouncy shirts and floppy hats.
The figures are based on Supreme Littleness Designs round and pill bases, available here.