2 : Choosing a Battle
Many of my historical wargames projects were based around (loosely or otherwise) a particular battle. My old 15mm Italian Wars project had been based around the Battle of Pavia. It would therefore seem more than sensible what with the author of Osprey’s Pavia 1525 being a fellow member of my wargames club that Pavia should once more be the battle to focus on. However, for whatever reason, I felt compelled to do something different this time around.
Of course, I had to choose a battle that offered the opportunity to design interesting and inspiring scenery and terrain! The Battle of Ravenna, 1512, seemed to cover all the bases. It had an intriguing story and inspiring combatants. The terrain played a major part in the battle. And it held the possibility of adding more eye candy to a setup.
At the same time, it hadn’t escaped me that the battles of the Italian War of 1521-26 were fast approaching their 500th anniversary. More room for thought!