9 : First Building

I now had a good quantity of the stone tile and slab pieces that were designed to be the main feature of my battle-board. They could be used not only for interior floors but also for exterior roads and walkways. These floor tiles  would also serve as the bases that the Frozen City building models would stand on.

And now it was time to start building those building models!

I chose a small corner wall piece as my first building model to work on (SLD-M28-FC-108). It seemed like a neat little model to begin experimenting with colour schemes. The building is even more ruined than most of the other models. It also does not stand as tall. The model is based on a three-tile square floor – so it has a smaller footprint than the basic five-tiles square module.

I made a start by using the same texture materials and painting scheme as I had with my floors and my first model. This small corner wall model has a chip in one of its walls. It was fun making this a feature, trying out ways to make it look like there was an icy snow melt in the hole. I used a good old dollop of gloss Modge Podge.

In any modular system I have found corner models to be extremely useful, if not the most useful modular sections on the gaming table. And as is typical of a corner building model, this one works well as a standalone piece of scenery.

During gameplay, characters can get up to the upper floor, as I mentioned previously on this blog, by using a standard three inch move to climb from the ground level to the upper level.

Now with my first building ready for the tabletop, I couldn’t wait to see how the rest of the city would look!

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