13 : Scatter Terrain

Scatter terrain is almost a prerequisite of a skirmish game. Many skirmish games are about avoiding being shot at by using the terrain to the best advantage. A game can usually end all too quickly if a skirmish force is caught out in the open! This, of course, is one reason why scenery is so important in skirmish games.
Frostgrave’s frozen city is much the same. It’s more than a wonderful magical backdrop to fantastical scenarios. Its nooks and crannies are practical and essential for providing the warbands the cover they need to avoid enemy missiles and any unfriendly line-of-sight magic spells! I was sure, of course, to include some wall fragment pieces (SLD-M28-FC-152) in the Frozen City Ruins range that could be used as scatter terrain.

When it comes to a skirmish game set-up, the ascetics of scatter terrain is not normally so much about proper town planning or sticking to the principles of good architectural design. It’s more about laying out a sort of checkerboard formation of cover to give the miniatures the ability to be moved from one piece of cover to another without the disadvantage of being left out in the open.
There’s nothing wrong with this notional checkerboard set-up. It can produce a good game. And, especially, can avoid any possible heartache of seeing a favourite warband shot to pieces without at least some feeling that adequate cover had been available – even if it was ignored!
However, it doesn’t always produce the same impact that concentrations of scenery can. What do I mean by that? Well, its my job as a designer to push the convention and attempt to convince you that a set-up of buildings that look more, let’s say, lived-in will allow your warband just as much cover as they should have but in a more believable landscape, one that is more than just a scattering of models on the tabletop. I find that an exciting prospect. And it’s what the Frozen City Ruins range is all about! So, let’s get exploring and building more Frozen City ruins!