20 : Two-storey Corner Wall
The second model in the Frozen City Ruins range after the basic two-storey wall section is the Two-storey Corner Wall (SLD-M28-FC-102).

Every modular system with wall sections needs corner sections. I actually find corners in modular systems perhaps more useful than straight sections. This goes for hills, even waterways, as well as buildings. Corners of buildings are pretty good just standing on their own, as well. I mentioned this before in Post 9 where I featured the smaller Ruinous Corner Wall model (28S-SLD-FCR-108).

I designed the two-storey corner with a base that has a separate floor piece that fits in the corner. This can be left separate or glued on if a square base is preferred. However, the cutaway on the floor’s corner increases the possible set-ups. It’s a detail that my 18mm version didn’t have. It’s a little difference but it should allow some interesting possibilities in 28mm setups.

The Frozen City Ruins range already includes two corner sections but as they are so useful, I’m sure I’ll design at least one more corner section any time soon. Here are the two corner models together showing one way of using that corner cutaway.