232 : New 1809 Range! New Grenadiers!
Highfield Miniatures’ range of 3D printed 10mm Napoleonic figures has actually been evolving over a number of years. Eliot Tomkinson, the designer of the range, has been working on a full 1809 range since his student days – and his sculpting has just got better and better.

Eliot’s Highfield Miniatures and my own Supreme Littleness Designs have been regular neighbours at wargames shows in Scotland. I picked up these ‘German’ grenadier prints at Falkirk’s Carronade show last year. I really enjoyed painting them. At last – see Post 122 – proper grenadier fur caps! And with the wealth of variants – see Post 195 – that I love!

Back in Post 128, I explained how my Habsburg grenadiers would be grouped in battalions of two bases, each base having a different facing colour. I painted one base of these Highfield grenadiers with light pike grey facings as grenadiers of IR49. The other I painted with sky blue facings as IR4. Together, they would be the Scovaud grenadier battalion. This battalion together with the Scharlach battalion (see Post 227) were ordered to take Essling Granary on the second day of the battle but their five attacks were all unsuccessful.

As for adding to the availability of 10mm Napoleonics, the sculpting of these miniatures is the best I’ve seen. But Eliot’s determination to improve his design has led him to work on producing a definitive 1809 range. The news is that we’ll see a wealth of even newer designs in the very near future! I, for one, can’t wait to get hold of some and get them on the Essling tabletop!