195 : Compatible 10mm Austrians

Anyone who’s read through my 1809 Blog will be well aware of my desire for variety in my 10mm units – as opposed, especially, to multiples (that can easily be hundreds) of the very same castings. When it comes to the masses of line infantry rank-and-file in a tabletop army, surely three variants is the barest minimum? Three’s a crowd, after all.

Lancer – Pendraken – Lancer – Pendraken

The volume of my huzzahs, therefore, will come as little surprise when I discovered that Lancer’s Austrian Line Infantry figures not only shared the same marching pose as Pendraken’s but also had the same marching-foot forward.

MM – MM – Pen – Pen – Lancer – Lancer – MM

Sculpted by the same sculptor who sculpted Magister Militum’s 10mm Napoleonic range, I expected the Lancer figures to tower over their Pendraken counterparts (see Post 52). However, they turned out to be diminutive chaps next to the taller Pendrakens.

Sculpted by the same sculptor: Magister Militum and Lancer

I liked the idea of using the different sculpts to identify conscripts from regulars. I also liked the idea of mixing up the two Lancers with the two Pendrakens and getting a semblance of the variety I had long been craving.

I prepped a mix of figures from both manufacturers to paint up as IR9 Czartoryski – part of Rosenberg’s IV Korps – to see how they would look together as a unit.

Lancer and Pendraken Austrian artillery crews.

And the Lancer and Pendraken Miniatures Austrian artillery crews were beautifully compatible, as far as I was concerned.

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