183 : Miniature Wargames Recommended
This month, we start with a recommendation from a friend, Simon Tonkiss. He wrote to me, “I got some Napoleonics for Xmas and while researching on the Pendraken site, I came across this blog which is an absolute masterpiece. As an example of a focused, structured, well maintained and pretty wargaming blog, I think it excels.” I completely agree.
Henry Hyde, Miniature Wargames Issue 382, February 2015

2015 got off to a good start with my 1809 Blog featured in Miniature Wargames magazine’s first issue of the year as one of editor Henry Hyde’s Blogs of the Month.

This month, we start with a recommendation from a friend, Simon Tonkiss. He wrote to me, “I got some Napoleonics for Xmas and while researching on the Pendraken site, I came across this blog which is an absolute masterpiece. As an example of a focused, structured, well maintained and pretty wargaming blog, I think it excels.” I completely agree.
Henry Hyde, Miniature Wargames Issue 382, February 2015
Words gratefully received! It was very rewarding to see three years of blogging recognised so positively in a magazine, and in such a reputable magazine, and one with international distribution.

I last mentioned blog visits back in Post 140 when the number of visits had reached 50,000. I was keeping an eye on numbers once more as visits were nearing a significant total. Perhaps there was a chance, I thought, that with the magazine’s recommendation this might be achieved that bit sooner. Whatever the case, I was grateful to Miniature Wargames for the opportunity of bringing new visitors to my site.