22 : First Adventurers
Something missing from my Frozen City so far has been any adventurers stumbling about searching for treasure. I put that right by having fun assembling some Frostgrave plastics. The next thing to do was to try out some colour schemes. I decided to start my experiments with a figure I’d assembled to, hopefully, look like a thief type character.

I tried to make my thief look like he was really feeling the chill! There’s no reason why our Frostgrave adventurers shouldn’t be covered in patches of frosty white. I’d much rather my warbands looked like they were taking part in an ancient Arctic expedition than they had just stepped out of a centrally heated car.
I tried to stick with cool colours. But it does limit the available palette. I’m a fan of using plenty of grey and brown with non-uniformed minis. Grey works well for frosty types but the red and yellow in a brown can easily give a figure a warm look. It’s a trap I certainly fell into with my first Frostgrave plastic. Muted paint colours, like the ranges of World War II camouflage colours, are very useful here. Being generous with the use of blue and liberally dry-brushing white over everything helps to cool things down.
I wasn’t so successful with my second experiment. This Frostgrave plastic was assembled to look like some sort of thug type. It’s a bit too easy to make flesh tones look red and rosy. I managed to keep my thug’s hands looking somewhat chilled but I don’t think that I toned down his other flesh areas enough. Slightly ironic given his exposed bald head, you’ll no doubt agree.

For both my figures I used a brown undercoat on the bases. I guess I won’t be doing that again as it makes the bases look just a bit too warm. From now on, I’ll be using the same dark blue undercoat for my bases that I use for my Frozen City Ruins models.