186 : Brand New Building Plans

The big news for me at the beginning of March was the launch of a brand new venture.
A laser-cutter arrived on the second day of the month, coming complete with personal training – till the early hours of the morning!
I’d been drawing designs for a number of years – with feature buildings for my 1809 project first on my drawing board – that I hoped I could one day turn into laser-cut models. When I chanced on an American machine being offered second hand, I leapt at the chance to bring my designs to reality and the tabletop.

There was a lot to learn as getting a laser-cutter to work properly is more than just pressing a button. Of course you can’t laser-cut without being able to draw – good drawing is the key – but you also have to understand what materials the machine can cut (and which materials it can’t) as well as understanding the machine itself and its need for routine maintenance. On top of that, there is the issue of making sure you have a solution to not pumping nasty fumes into the environment, never mind your own workspace! Fortunately, I was well aware that ‘every day’s a school day’ so I was prepared for quite a bit of trial and error.
So now with a new laser-cutter, it wasn’t long before I had a new website to publicise the designs I was working on and planning to sell. I chose to trade under a name that I got from a First World War poem. Isaac Rosenberg’s poem Louse Hunting includes the words “supreme littleness” to describe the pests that plagued the soldiers in the trenches.