196 : Major Blog Reorganising

My 1809 Blog had gone through a few behind-the-scenes changes in its time. As I mentioned in Post 22 and Post 61, the Blog was first launched as a Flash movie. Although the Flash software produced neat animations, the downside was that individual pages couldn’t be linked to and it proved to be incompatible with too many devices. As a result, I had to rebuild the site as a conventional HTML website.

The new build did its job for a good number of years but eventually the process of updating the website began to get sluggishly slow with the software programme I was using. It wasn’t really surprising. The software was designed for building small to medium websites. My Blog had increased to well over 200 pages. Before everything ground to a sorry halt, I was determined to get things back up to speed.

Pendraken French Légère.

I decided that a serious bit of reorganising was needed. It was unfortunate but many of the Blog’s page addresses would have to be changed. This, of course, would upset some existing links and perhaps be frustrating for a time. Bookmarks might need changing and some links, especially on forums where they couldn’t be edited, would no longer be active.

However, none of the blog pages would be lost and, hopefully, nothing would appear changed within the site itself. And now out of the doldrums, the 1809 Blog could get back on track once more.

Pages that had their original 2012 addresses changed in 2015:

The Last Post page

1809 Reference

1809 Links

1809 Chat

Austrian Line Infantry

French Line Infantry

And all 2015 Blog Posts from 171 to 189.

In 2015 the Nav Bar was replaced by the The Blog Index.

(You can go here for the 2023 change to a WordPress site.)

The 100 Hungarians of the 100th Post.

196 and Counting …

I was conscious of the fact that the 1809 Blog was nearing its 200th post. Back in August 2013, I had celebrated the Blog’s 100th post with a patchwork image of 100 Hungarian infantry (see Post 100 and above). It was certainly tempting to try and think of putting something together for the Blog’s 200th post. But what? The Napoleon of this project would have to get thinking.

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